Snow Driving
Driving the Lake Mountain road
The road from Marysville to Lake Mountain is a relatively easy road to drive but the lower part of the road has steep sections of around 10%, which, when icy or wet, can easily catch out novice drivers who accelerate too hard or brake too sharply and late.
The top half of the road is not as steep but there are sharp corners, it's often foggy with low visibility, and there may be snow or slush on the road. It's crucial that you take your time and arrive safely. You can always pull over safely and let other vehicles pass if you feel like you’re slowing others down.
Snow chains
2WD/4WD/AWD vehicles only need to carry chains to Lake Mountain when Lake Mountain Resort declares they are required. The resort lets us know road status daily so ask us when you arrive at our shop.
We will help you with the right size for your car and show you how to fit them. You'll be told when to fit chains by mountain staff or temporary road signage on the road. You don't need to fit them in Marysville!
We hope those tips help you plan your day. If you have any questions about what to expect or what to plan, just drop us a line. We’ll be happy to help!